Faculty (2023-2024)
- Usha Ajithkumar - Research Fellow - Shinawatra University
- S.Janaki has been awarded as Professor for G-20 to visit Australia.
- S.Sujatha received the ‘Best Paper Award’ in the Multidisciplinary International Virtual Colloquium on Technology and Society convened by KAPJ College of Education, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with KESORT along with Acumen Foundation & Seva Academy on 16.3.2024 &17.3.2024, the paper titled ‘Emerging Technologies and Social Changes.
- Lalitha Bala has participated in the World Record of 100 days and won the title ‘Sorsudar viruthu’
- R.Jayasree chaired a session in Tamil International Conference on Millets, organized by Department of Tamil, Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur on 30th May 2023.
- R.Jayasree won cash award of Rs.3000 for Lori Writing competition on the theme modern India on the occasion of 75th Independence Day.
Students (2023-2024)
- Kum.Sahasra, final year B.Sc.B.Ed. Student was awarded Dr.TN.Ramachandran award and she was felicitated by the ‘Registrar’. The award constituted certificate and cash award of INR 5000
- Five Students of final year integrated B.A.B.Ed have cracked CTET for the year 2023-2024.
- Amirutha K
- Asma Chaman M
- Hema Venkateswari S
- Minhaji Firdous H
- Likitha U
- Following students ( 2nd year B.Sc. B.Ed ( Maths &Physics) won 1st prize in Mime Show (Mugamozhi) in Kuruksastra competitions conducted on 7.4.2024
- Shruti Saatvika S
- Dharshini S
- Varshini M
- Sri Devi narayanee N
- Murugalakshmi T
- Harini T
- Kalpana S
- Deepika Vazhalavan of III year B.Sc.B.Ed- Mathematics won I position in the event ‘Navarasam’ conducted on 5.4.2024 as a part of Kuruksastra event
- Raja Rajeswari and Senthamil Selvi III year B.Sc.B.Ed- Mathematics won I position in the event ‘Koothu Pattarai’ conducted on 6.4.2024 as as a part of Kuruksastra event
- Sajjan Ganapathy of II year B.A.B.Ed won the Best Actor award in ‘One Act Play’ which was conducted on 6.4.2024 as a part of Kuruksastra event
- Vaishnavi of III Year B.Sc.B.Ed - Mathematics was the winner in the Volleyball girls’ event in Fuera 2024, SASTRA
- Vaishnavi of III Year B.Sc.B.Ed - Mathematics was the Runner in the Volleyball girls’ event in Colosseum-2024, SASTRA
- Haria Rose of I year B.A.B.Ed presented a paper titled ‘Analyzing The Gender Roles in Indian Disprs:A Good Indian Wife’ in the National Conference on Contemporary
DR.R.Jayasree awarded the GURUSRESHTA AWARD 2021 for her exemplary pedagogy during the Online Academic year 2020-2021
Dr.R.Jayasree was awarded International Women Achiever Award by Iniya Udhayam Tamil Monthly magazine.

Smt.V. Devaki received Guru Shreshta award for the year 2021-2022