Instructional Facilities

  • S.No Subject Volumes Titles
    Humanities and Sciences
    1 Education 3279 1700
    2 English 4041 2926
    3 Mathematics 7507 3855
    4 Physics 2646 1610
    5 Chemistry 2012 1090
    6 Commerce and Management 11107 8260
    7 General & Humanities 11232 8878
    8 Law 18827 16298
    Engineering 0 0
    9 Chemical Engineering & Bio-Technology 7703 5282
    10 Civil Engineering 7195 3243
    11 Computer science Engineering and I.T 23982 12464
    12 EEE, ECE & EIE 19498 7577
    13 Mechanical Engineering 10283 4289
    Total (Print Books) 129312 77472
    E-Books 185757 185757
    Grand Total 315069 263229

    Periodicals Subscription Print Version – 260 (Journals -168 ; Magazines - 92) Details of Journals available in Library

    S.No Subject No. of Journal No. of Magazine Total
    Education 2 1 3
    Physics 4 2 6
    Chemistry 4 2 6
    Mathematics 4 1 5
    Biology/Biotechnology 9 3 12
    Computer Science 30 5 35
    General 9 22 31
    Total 62 36 98

    Details of Online Subscription


    S.No. Database Name Education Maths Physics Chemistry Language  & Linguistics
    Springer Journals 92* 169* 110* 154* -
    Science Direct - 99* - - -
    Oxford University Press - 11 3 - 12
    Institute of Physics - - 76 - -
    American Physical Society - - 14 - -
    American Chemical Society - - - 47* -
    Total 92 279 203 201 12


    S.No. Database Name Education Maths Physics Chemistry Language & Linguistics
    Springer e-Books 251** 924* 1265* 1370* -
    eBrary e-books 8587     5335 2769 2381 6390
    Total 8838 6259 4034 3751 6390

    Note: * represents package collection as detailed below:

    S.No. Database Name Subjects Covered No. of Journals
    Springer  Education 92
    Springer Maths & Statistics 169
    Springer Physics & Astronomy 110
    Springer Chemistry & Material Sci. 154
    Science Direct Mathematics 99
    American Chemical Society Chemical Engineering 47

    ** 251 Springer e-books covers both Education and Language & Linguistics which are included in package Humanities , Social Sciences & Law for the copyright year between 2005 and 2007. Details of Encyclopedia available in Library

    S. No. Subject No of Encyclopedia
    1. Education 110
    2. Britannica 45
    3. New Standard Encyclopedia 20
    4. McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of science and technology 27
    5. Engineering & Other Subject Encyclopedia 746
    TOTAL 948

    Compact Discs: 10324
    Audio Cassettes: 71

  • Course Name: Ancillary Chemistry Laboratory –I                       Course Code: CHY110
    Students are trained to estimate the inorganic species by performing various types of quantitative analysis such as:

    • Acidimetry – Alkalimetry
    • Permanganometry
    • Dichrometry
    • Iodometry and Iodimetry
    • Complexometric Titration

    Course Name: Ancillary Chemistry Laboratory –II                     Course Code: CHY112
    Students are trained to analyze the organic compound qualitatively by identifying the following:

    • Elements present,
    • Nature of the compound
    • Functional groups in them

    They are also trained to prepare the solid derivatives of the organic compound.

  • Objective is to solve problems especially in the field of mathematical operations by writing the programs. Through this lab, learning data structure is very much comfortable where students are having that as a paper for fore coming semester. Students were able to design system software like Operating System and compiler by learning this language. This platform is highly comfortable for learning graphical related applications. As they are mathematical students, they can evaluate any kind of equation by learning this. They can have awareness to design Network Devices. By learning the C , they can also know how to store the data in organized form.

  • Discrete Mathematics Laboratory introduces Maple - a symbolic and numeric computing environment used widely by mathematicians, for various Discrete Mathematical components.  The utility of Maple includes algebra, calculus, discrete mathematics, graphics, numerical calculation and many other areas of mathematics. It provides a unique environment for the development of mathematical programs using various libraries and in-built functions and operations. It is an interactive environment which provides the definitions, examples and explanations of any function obtained by ?function name.

    This course is designed with the following primary goals in mind, to advance the student’s understanding of mathematics, lead students to connect the mathematics to its application in computer science and to encourage the students to communicate their ideas and their expertise to the professional community.

    In this course, students learn to develop an understanding of discrete mathematical objects through limits, secant and tangent lines and derivatives. It also uses mathematical reasoning methods, including induction and recursion, to understand and apply counting techniques to describe and characterize relational concepts. It is not only intended to perceive knowledge in discrete mathematics but also improves the collaborative skills of students by comprehending the concept of symbolic computing in basic Maple operation. It communicates the solutions of technical problems to other professionals in solving an algebraic equation using solve command.

  • A state-of-the art Language Laboratory has been set up in SASTRA Deemed to be University to prepare students to master the art of communication for the real world.  The aim of the language laboratory is to teach different skills, including speaking, reading and listening, and to integrate these skills to achieve the ultimate goal of overall development of communicative competence for professional life.  It also aims to enable them to achieve success in competitive examinations at State, National and International levels in English. The well-equipped laboratory has 45 booths, each with a computer and headset with microphone.  Various softwares like ‘Sky Pronunciation’ for listening, ‘Read Up Speed Up’ for reading and ‘Sanako’ for listening are provided in the computers to enable the students to improve their communication in all spheres of life.  A teacher console is also provided to guide the students through the various modules to focus and groom their communication.

  • The B.Sc.B.Ed. (Physics)IntegratedProgramme has been designed to educate the student teacher in fundamental concepts of Physics. The Physics laboratory is equipped with adequate number of advanced instruments to cater to the needs of the learner. Student teachers gain practical knowledge in Mechanics, Properties of matter, Optics, Sound, Electricity & Magnetism, Heat & Thermodynamics and Semiconductors through experiments and find correlation with theory courses. Student teachers   also learn to comprehend different physical laws and parameters in the above topics. Thus the student teachers gain a thorough practical knowledge and skills from this practical course, that will enable them to teach Physics to the school students effectively.

  • The Psychology laboratory of the department is well equipped, spacious with materials, psychological tests & instruments for providing training in conducting experiments in Psychology, developing skills required for administering and interpreting psychological tests of different kinds.

    The Psychology Laboratory   facilitates the Student Teachers to conduct various tests on Learning, Intelligence, Personality, Interest, Creativity, Aptitude, Attitude and other Psychometric tests. The major equipments in this laboratory are Tachistoscope, Mirror drawing apparatus, Bhatia’s battery of performance, Maze learning, Division of Attention, Yerkes multiple choice apparatus etc.

    Apart from this, the laboratory is having Psychometric  test materials for assessing students’ Retroactive   Inhibition, Recall & Retention, Personality, Intelligence, Physical fatigue, Mental fatigue, TAT(Thematic apperception test), CAT(Children apperception test) etc. All these tests consist of Manual, Booklet, Answer Sheets and Scoring key with norms. The Laboratory has facilities for conducting research in many cutting edge areas of Psychology.

  • MATLAB is a powerful software tool for mathematical computations and visualization. The use of MATLAB as a tool is to investigate the numerical problems that would be difficult or tedious to be done by hand. It can also do some fairly advanced graphing and computational work in order to investigate a broad range of topics.The purpose of this lab is to introduce the students to a computer program in MATLAB 2016b and begin to use it in our study of Numerical Methods for solving nonlinear and simultaneous equations, integration and differential equations.

    Each exercise in the manual contains formulae and algorithms to demonstrate the MATLAB coding needed to investigate the numerical solutions. At the end of the course, the studentswill find MATLAB to be a useful tool in their mathematical pursuits.

  • Classrooms equipped with projectors and enhanced bandwith for seamless digital learning. Use of Google Suite and Google classroom for efficient execution of online teaching, learning and assessment. Library shifted to a bigger block with huge reading room, more Books & journals (including e journals), procured NCTE prescribed books and journals and added to Department of Education reading repository.Two new academic blocks and additional hostel added in the campus. Many campus beautification projects completed like repair, painting of buildings, planting trees, widening of roads.


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